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2022 Session - Week 3

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Week three has wrapped up and there is still much to do. Quite a bit of our time has been taken up with appropriations subcommittees in our work to balance the budget as mandated by the Utah Constitution. As much as you pay attention to bills getting passed, I think you will also want to pay attention to how our state spends your money.

You hired me for this job, and I hope you keep an eye on things up here. I know you won’t agree with every decision and vote I make, and that’s understandable. But I hope my participation in the legislative process reflects well on my community. I strive to be honest, straightforward and open to your input. I don’t pretend to know everything, so it’s important that you contribute your expertise and perspective to help me make the best decisions I can. As always, thank you for the opportunity you’ve given me to work on your behalf.

Fun Things this week

I met with elected officials from Bluffdale, Herriman, and Riverton including Mayor Natalie Hall, Mayor Lorin Palmer, and Mayor Trent Staggs. During lunch we conversed about current projects and future improvements in each city.

For my support in advocating for arts, museums, libraries, STEM, film and humanities I was pleased to accept my second non-profit Utah Cultural Alliance award.

For more than three decades, the Fullmer Legacy program has provided at-risk boys and girls, along with adults, the opportunity to build strength of character in the unique sport of boxing. I am proud to support this organization and create unique outlets that emphasize the character development of youth in the state of Utah.

National Board-Certified Teachers

This week, we were happy to recognize 30 wonderful teachers who have gone the extra mile to become National Board-Certified Teachers. National Board Certification is the most respected professional certification available in education and goes beyond required state licensure. We commend these teachers for their efforts and wish them continued success in their professional endeavors.

Unclaimed Property

Tuesday, February 1, was National Unclaimed Property Day. One in five Utahns have lost money, and each year the state receives tens of millions of dollars of Utahns’ lost money and tangible property. At the end of 2021, we received $66.7 million in lost property online, waiting to be claimed. I encourage each of you to search our state’s unclaimed property database at for any unclaimed property you, your family, friends, deceased relatives or organizations might have.

Ballot Amendments

Election ballots, especially longer ballots, are expensive to print. Currently, the legal language of each referendum or ballot initiative is printed on election ballots in its entirety, which considerably increases printing costs. Not only are longer election ballots costly to print, but it has been found that the longer a ballot is, the more difficult it is for the average voter to understand.

S.B. 38 Ballot Amendments would allow initiatives and referenda to be summarized in plain language on the ballot while also referring the voter to a separate insert or website containing the entire initiative or referendum text. We estimate this change will save the state almost $500,000 per election. S.B. 38 passed in the Senate and House and will now be considered by the governor. Listen to the bill presentation on the Senate floor here.

Voting History Amendments

In 2020, 30% of voters were not listed on voter rolls because they chose to keep their information private. This discrepancy caused some individuals to worry about election transparency and integrity. S.B. 32 Voting History Amendments will remove the discrepancy by requiring an election officer to, when reporting voting history for an election, include certain information relating to a voter whose voter registration is classified as private, without disclosing the identity of the voter. S.B. 32 passed in the Senate and the House and will now be considered by the governor. Listen to the bill presentation on the Senate floor here.

School Board Expansion Requirements

Utah is the fastest growing state in the nation. This growth has made it difficult for school districts to predict where population growth will occur. In high growth areas, equal school board representation can be a problem. For example, in Jordan School District, one of the seven school board members represents half of the households in the district as a result of uneven population growth.

S.B. 78 School Board Expansion Requirements would allow local school boards to expand when population growth warrants it. S.B. 78 passed in the Senate and will now be considered in the House. Listen to the Senate floor presentation here.

Electronic Vehicle Registration Amendments

S.B. 99 Electronic Vehicle Registration Amendments would permit a driver to display a photograph of a registration card on a mobile device instead of showing a paper form. This change would follow similar laws already in place for showing proof of insurance on a mobile device. The Senate passed S.B. 99, and the House will now consider the bill. Listen to the floor presentation here.

Bereavement Leave Amendments

The Senate passed S.B. 63 Bereavement Leave Amendments, which extends Utah’s current three-day paid bereavement leave to mothers and fathers who experience a miscarriage or stillbirth. State, county and municipal governments will now be required to provide paid bereavement leave to these employees just as they have previously done for employees who have lost immediate family members in any other circumstances. S.B. 63 is the first bereavement amendment of its kind in the U.S. and recognizes that parents need time away from work to mourn and recover from their loss. S.B. 63 passed in the Senate and will now be considered by the House. Listen to the Senate floor presentation here. Learn more about the bill here.

Military Vehicle License Plate Amendments

Some people purchase surplus military vehicles to maintain the vehicle's original condition and preserve its unique nature and history. Under current state law, these vehicles cannot be driven without an attached license plate. However, some of these vehicles do not have a place for an exterior license plate. S.B. 77 Military Vehicle License Plate Amendments allows an exemption from the requirement to display a license plate on a military vehicle and allows drivers to keep the license plates inside the car. This bill is patterned after laws in other states and helps keep these vehicles in pristine condition. S.B. 77 passed in the Senate and will now be considered by the House. Listen to the Senate floor presentation here.

Cosmetic Manufacturing Certificate Program

Many jurisdictions outside the United States require a good manufacturing practices (GMP) certificate for certain imported cosmetic goods. Countries use this certificate to give assurance about manufacturing standards. However, there is no effective process in Utah for companies to obtain GMP certificates. This issue specifically affects our essential oils industry. S.B. 83 Cosmetic Manufacturing Certificate Program creates a program where the Utah Department of Agriculture would oversee the process of issuing a GMP certificate, helping Utah cosmetic companies participate in international markets. S.B. 83 passed in the Senate and will now be considered by the House. Listen to the Senate floor presentation here.

Omphalocele Awareness Day

This week, we recognized those born with an omphalocele birth defect and the medical professionals who assist children and their families following a diagnosis. An omphalocele occurs when one major organ is formed outside an individual’s body. Those with an omphalocele birth defect often spend months in the NICU and experience lifelong health challenges. We recognized individuals directly impacted by an omphalocele diagnosis for their strength and determination despite their difficult circumstances. Read the citation here.

Fallen Officers

Thursday afternoon, we expressed our heartfelt gratitude for the brave first responders who gave their lives protecting Utahns across the state by joining their families and friends in a moment of silence on the Senate floor. We are blessed to live in a state with such incredible individuals willing to give their all on our behalf. Read the citation here.

Election Schedule Amendments

This year the candidate filing period falls in the middle of caucus. Attendees may not know who is running for each office when they meet, which could cause confusion. S.B. 170 Election Schedule Amendments, fulfills requests from leaders of the Utah Republican Party, the Utah Democratic Party and county clerks to move the candidate filing period to before the caucus dates. This change will prevent possible confusion in the democratic process. Additionally, after reviewing other states’ election filing deadlines and working with both major party officers, starting in 2024, this bill will move the filing and intent to gather signatures period to the week before the general legislative session. S.B. 170 will be heard by the Senate Health and Human Services Committee. Read more here.

Genetic Privacy Amendments

Genetic procedures are any therapy, treatment or medical procedure that affects an individual's DNA. S.B. 144 Genetic Privacy Amendments restricts employers from inquiring or taking into consideration whether an individual has undergone a genetic procedure. They also cannot require an individual to submit to a genetic procedure. The bill places similar requirements on healthcare providers when considering premiums, coverage, renewal, cancellation or other decisions. S.B. 144 passed in the Senate Health and Human Services Committee and will now be considered on the Senate floor. Listen to the committee presentation here.

Public School Curriculum Requirements

S.B. 114 Public School Curriculum Requirements establishes an open process for parents to review and recommend instructional materials for board approval. This bill requires:

  1. Parental involvement when school boards consider changes to district-wide curriculum resources that are pre-approved by the board.

  2. A public hearing before a board adopts and approves district-wide materials and resources.

  3. School districts to inform teachers and parents of the district’s own standards for supplemental materials that teachers can select.

This bill does not place restrictions on the materials teachers may use or place any additional requirements on teachers. It does, however, grant parents the right to see and give their opinion on the materials considered by their local school boards or charter schools. S.B. 114 passed in the Senate Education Committee and will now be considered on the Senate floor. Listen to the committee presentation here.

Wireless Communication Device in a Motor Vehicle

S.B. 102 Wireless Communication Device in a Motor Vehicle prohibits an individual from using a wireless communication device to view or take a photograph while operating a motor vehicle with certain exceptions such as using GPS, medical emergencies and reporting a safety hazard or criminal activity. If this bill passes, those who violate these provisions are at risk of a suspended driver’s license. S.B. 102 passed in the Senate Transportation, Public Utilities, Energy and Technology Committee and will now be considered on the Senate floor. Listen to the committee presentation here.

I Look Forward to Hearing From You!

I'll try to continually keep you informed about my work on the Hill – likewise, please keep in touch – I’d love to hear your insights and opinions.

I can be reached by email at I’m truly grateful for the opportunity you’ve given me to serve in this capacity. We live in a unique and special place. Thank you for all you do to make Utah the best state in the nation – and thanks for paying attention.

Until next time,

Senator Dan McCay

Utah Senate District 11



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